Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Beaujolais Nouveau 2017

Every year I try a bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau. Beaujolais Nouveau day was on November 16th, and I bought a bottle of the  "Villages" 2017; thinking that the "Villages" appellation would some how confer some extra quality. It didn't. It did not taste very good; there was too much malo-lactic conversion on the nose. The lactic acid made the wine smell a bit cheesy or buttery. It wasn't of very high quality and did not represent good value for money at £8 a bottle. It would be unfair to recognise the winemaker or the retailer. Some people might find the taste acceptable.  We could only stomach half a bottle. I poured the remaining half down the drain as it was not worth saving even for cooking.

We had a visitor from France the other day and she brought along a bottle of Nouveau. I haven't had the courage to open it yet.

Every year, I promise myself that I shall not buy another bottle of this disappointing wine. It will be my New Year resolution: I hope it will last until November 15th 2018.