Thursday, 10 January 2019

What ! A 12 euro bottle of champagne wins a silver medal!

Just before Christmas we went into an Intermarché supermarket to find bottles of Bel Vigne non-vintage brut champagne for 12 euros a bottle. This champagne is produced by the negociant Fourrier-Delmotte in Baroville in the Côte des Bar. The Côte des Bar is in the Aube region of the champagne appellation to the south of Troyes. Belle Vigne was awarded a silver medal in 2016. What could go wrong with buying half a case: well nothing?

We tasted this wine to drink in the new year with 9 relatives and we drank 3 bottles. The wine is superb and its taste is typical of the region where the soil is different to the  north of the champagne region. The soil is limestone rather than chalk based.  The wine was light and elegant and it was easily consumed with titbits before we dined.

I wish we had bought couple of cases. The value for money is tremendous. You could easily pay twice the price and still feel that you were getting value for money. So, here are three cheers for Intermarché and Belle Vigne champagne.